Dental Bite

Bruxism is excessive teeth grinding or jaw clenching. It is an oral parafunctional activity which takes place mostly at night and affects 10%-30% of the global population.

Recent studies show increased incidences of Bruxism among younger generations: the most common causes are stress and sleep disorders.

If you experience headaches or jaw muscle pain when you wake up, as well as hypersensitivity, and your teeth look shorter, chipped and worn out at a closer look then it’s a good idea to check this out with your dentist.

Modern Bite Guards are transparent. They are applied to the upper or lower dental and arch only during the night.

This treatment is a fast, painless and easy way to manage the symptoms and will allow you to have healthier teeth and more quiet, restful nights.
Herr Lorenzo Iannello zeigt Zahnschiene

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