Our philosophy

Smiling makes you happy.

It’s scientifically proven that when we smile our brain releases large amounts of dopamine and serotonin, the hormones related to happiness.

Smiling isn’t a banal or superficial fact, nor is it a purely aesthetic thing. Our smile is a fundamental expression of our personality: healthy and beautiful teeth allow us to express ourselves at our best.

The smiles of our film and music stars, our idols, make us emotional and excite us: everyone is a star in their own way and at Praxis Florenz we strongly believe in this concept. We are not going to push you into pre-constructed beauty standards: we are rather interested in valorizing and enhancing your unique smile.

At our dental practice we care about your long lasting tooth health: on occasions where specialized treatments are needed we also cooperate with other clinics specializing in surgery and orthodontics.

Our staff is international and we offer our services in German, English and Italian: effective and clear communication is essential to understand the treatment that is best suited for you.
unsere filosofie

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