Prevention & Hygiene

The first step to keeping your teeth healthy is prevention: this means regular dental check-ups and keeping good oral hygiene, both at home and by having a professional hygiene cleaning done once a year.

During your first visit we will teach you the best techniques to brush and floss your teeth correctly.

We offer special visits for children, as well as molar groove sealing for teeth which are at higher risk of caries.

Having a professional teeth cleaning done every year prevents many dental diseases such as caries, which can lead to tooth devitalization or even tooth loss when left untreated.

Ultrasound instruments can remove tartar and plaque even in those areas which are usually not easy to reach with your toothbrush. After this treatment your mouth will feel fresh and clean: keep this sensation in mind!

Teeth should always be like this: smooth, clean and without any irregularities or graininess. Touch and taste are your best allies to keep your oral health under control.

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